


how to choose fish feeds

Choice of shape types
Which type of feed to choose depends on the characteristics of the breeding object, such as feeding habits and feeding methods.
The powder material is suitable for feeding water flowers and small fry, and the eating habits of unique species are different. For example, the small fry of domestic fish can only eat powdered and granular objects; and the eel material is also powdery. The feeding of eels is now developing in the direction of domesticating puffed pellets.
At present, most fish feeds are pellets, which are better than powders and are suitable for feeding in water. The nutrient loss in water is less than that of powders, and the pollution of water quality is reduced at the same time. When selecting pellets, it should be noted that the size of the particle size is consistent with the size of the mouth crack of the breeding object, so as to facilitate the normal feeding and swallowing of the breeding object.
Choice of particle size
The particle size of fish feed is generally between 0.5-8.0 mm, and the particle size is basically two-thirds of the longitudinal length of the mouth crack of aquatic fish. If the longitudinal length of the mouth opening of the breeding object is 9 mm, then it is suitable for feeding a feed with a particle size of 6 mm, which will neither cause waste nor affect feeding. If the particle size is too large, it is inconvenient for the fish to swallow, but if the particle size is too small, it is unpalatable and consumes more energy of the fish body, so it must pay attention to palatability.
The particle size of aquatic feed is from powder, crushed, 0.5, 1.0-8.0 mm, etc., and they are fed with aquatic products with different mouth openings. Generally, the particle size of adult fish is 2.0-4.0; juvenile fish use powder and open crushed material, and small fry use 1.0 particle size material.