


Pond nursery stocking attention

1. Seedling selection. Choose tilapia fry with smooth body surface, strong physique, plump fish body, neat size, high male rate, and size of about 5 cm. After 5% salt water or 5-10 mg/L potassium permanganate solution After dipping, put it in the fish pond.
tilapia, a tropical fish native to Africa
tilapia, a tropical fish native to Africa
2. Stocking density. After the pond water has been tested for non-toxicity, put tilapia fry according to the principle of 1 fish per cubic meter of water body, and appropriately match 40 to 50 tails of 50 g/tail of bighead carp/mu and 30 to 40 tails of silver carp at 30 g/tail. After the tilapia grows to 100 g/mu, put in 30-50 southern largemouth catfish/mu at the right time, or raise an appropriate amount of largemouth bass.